Sunday, July 21, 2013
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Day One
The fact that I will be going to work Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 5:30 as of today, still hasn't fully sunken in yet.
Today, I was issued with an access card, assigned a desk and a new laptop (along with a very dusty keyboard that looks like it hasn't been touched in 20 years), was introduced to the key personnel I will be dealing with, was given a tour of the maze-like office, was treated to lunch and a coffee, sorted out my phone, sat in a conference call with my "buddy," and was given a rundown on the program I'd be working, and training others, on. The remaining hours of the work day, I sat at my desk reading through the company Intranet and a software training manual. Sigh. More of that tomorrow, I guess.
Thursday should be interesting though. I have 2 meetings scheduled already.
By the way, I'm thinking of starting a new blog coz I'm no longer in BJ (thus making the url rather misleading)...any objections?^^;
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11:05 pm
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Back in chilly Sydney
Stayed up til
I’ve also missed my good old electric blanket. Don’t know how I managed to survive 4 winters (3 in
I enjoyed the warm weather during my 2 weeks in
Anyway, despite my sore red nose, fatigue, and headaches, we still managed to stick to our jam-packed itinerary and had a good time. Highlights of the trip include driving around in little waddling penguins, and the adorable polar bears. I just wanted to jump in and snuggle up to one of those big cuddly creatures. I bought a cute little soft polar bear toy to compensate, which now keeps me company at night.^^
Visiting Tsumago brought back memories of the time I went there with the NCU international students tour 4 years ago. I would’ve liked to do the 2.5 hour hike from Magome to Tsumago though. Ah well, maybe next time. If only I hadn’t been so careless and left my camera on the bus. Lucky I realised early and lucky the people there were so helpful. Lucky also that the bus only went back and forth between the station and Magome. So anyway, the kind ojiisans hurriedly contacted the depot who contacted the bus driver while I anxiously awaited the bus’ return. I wasn’t as upset as I would’ve been had I not changed the full SD card with an empty one. But still, I would’ve had no camera for the remainder of the trip. After an hour, the bus returned and the bus driver handed me my camera. All was good. (^^) Except that somehow, one of my SD cards got corrupted, and I lost a couple of days worth of photos. Oh well. I’m glad I got my camera back. Click here for photos.
While in Tokyo, I visited the company's office and spoke to my
During the trip,
Well, I’d better go get ready...going to play badminton with AD. Hopefully it’ll be better than our squash session yesterday, eh! Sorry I was so out of it. (^^;)
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4:43 pm
Monday, June 04, 2007
Yippee...! I got a job
...with a global software giant as a Sales Operations Coordinator for the Asia, Pacific and Japan regions. In a nutshell, I will be assisting with the implementation of a new system in the company's offices throughout the Asia-Pacific as well as assisting the VP of the APJ Channel Sales department. Sounds like a challenge, but I'm all up for it.^^
I was really excited about getting this position and so was Dad, especially since it's in his line of work. And then when I told my sister, she called me a nerd. She probably said it jokingly but I haven't been called names since primary school and it hurt. Oh well, as the saying goes, forgive and forget, right?
Anyway, now I can enjoy my 2 week trip to Japan without feeling guilty for using up a big chunk of my savings. My aunt and I were planning to go in July to see the flower fields of Hokkaido, but we were able to get our hands on cheap air tickets (practically buy 1 get one free) for June, so we decided to go in June instead. The day after tomorrow, to be precise.
We will spend 2 days in Osaka before flying up to Hokkaido and spending about 5 days there. We're going to hire a car for 3 days and drive out to the Biei/Furano area. After that, we'll use our 7-day JR pass to make our way back down to Osaka, stopping by Matsushima, Nikko, Tokyo, Nagoya, Takayama, and maybe Kanazawa.
As we'll be moving around quite a lot, I've decided to pack extra light. At the moment I've got 12 days worth of clothing and toiletries packed into one cabin-size suitcase and a carry-on bag, and I still have space to bring back souvenirs.^^ If I end up doing lots of shopping (which is very likely since my aunt is a bit of a shopaholic), I'll just get one of those lightweight muji travel bags. I've always wanted to get one anyway.
I probably won't have time to update while I'm in Japan, but I'll be sure to upload my photos when I get back. Ciao!
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12:40 pm
How to take out a cork from inside a glass bottle
(Courtesy of youtube)
This is so cool.
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11:49 am
Sunday, June 03, 2007
I tried my hand at squash with 2 other beginners yesterday. None of us even knew the rules, but it's not hard to guess the basics with the bright red lines and ball markings on the walls. It was so much fun! And a really good workout.^^
However, we then went and pigged out on gourmet pizza at a nearby pizzeria. I'm thinking the exercise was good for my appetite...I had 5 slices of pizza and almost half the bowl of salad. It was pretty good pizza though. Sorry, no pictures...but here's a photo of the sushi rolls I made for my brother's after-concert party.^^
Posted by
12:05 pm