Wednesday, September 13, 2006


My journey began with a 4:45 AM wake-up call yesterday morning. By 5:15 AM we were out of the house and on our way to the airport for the 8:05 Singapore Airlines flight to...Singapore! Well, for about an hour. Next stop Hong Kong.

I love Singapore Airlines! The food was great...well, mostly. It was corn fritters for brekky, spinach and tomato penne for lunch, and saffron rice vegies for dinner. Dinner wasn't so good, but they warmed up the bread roll properly.^^

They have a library of about 80 international films that anyone can watch at their own leisure on their own personal monitor. You can even use the remote control to pause, fast forward, rewind, etc.!! I watched 3 French films...not because I particularly like French films; I just felt like watching something different. I also watched a Singaporean movie about a young boy who is living on instant noodles while his mother is away overseas and is fascinated by the sad and lonely Korean man living in the same apartment block. The poor kid. I guess the loneliness of the 2 main characters kinda rubbed off on me. The French films I watched were more light-hearted though, and Over the Hedge was cute!

Lunch with the Hungs today. Dinner with the HK COCs and my German buddy (+1) tonight.

Til next time, folks! (^o^)/




Singapore Airlinesはすごく良かった!食事はほとんどおいしかった。朝ごはんはスイートコーンのお好み焼きみたいなもの(?)、昼はほうれん草とトマトのペンネ、夜は蒸し野菜とご飯。晩御飯はあまり美味しくなかったけれど、パンはちゃんと温めてくれた。^^

映画も沢山あって、個人のモニターで、好きな時間に、見ることができる。ポーズ、早送りなども自由にできる!私が見たのはほとんどフランス映画だったが、悲しいシンガポール映画も一本見た。そして、Over the Hedgeというアニメーションも見た。とてもかわいかった。^^



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